Vidéos / Videos
Table ronde / Round table 8
Interactivity and multimedia in composition
Modérateur / Chair—James O’Callaghan
Table ronde en direct sur Zoom—jeudi 11 février, 14:15-15:00
Round table live on Zoom—Thursday, February 11, 14:15-15:00
Carlos Delgado, “Real-time Gestural Control of Sound Synthesis, Spatialization, and Video Effects Parameters”
résumé / abstract
Ben Neill (Ramapo College of New Jersey), “Fantini Futuro”
résumé / abstract
Marcel Zaes (Brown University), “#otherbeats: Resisting the Grid — Performing Asynchrony”
résumé / abstract
Tiange Zhou (UC San Diego), “LUX FLUX: Design sound and light work in Max/Msp through DMX”
résumé / abstract
Ofer Pelz and Matan Gover (CIRMMT), “Sound Tracks: An interactive video game composition”
résumé / abstract